Wednesday, October 14, 2015

So Very Flexible (Part 1)

Hello fellow strangers and people I've pestered to read my blog,
Thank you for voting on my poll. As most of you are dancers, there was a tie between Nutcracker and sleep or lack thereof. Those of you who aren't dancers, sorry, you'll have to wait approximately three business days for your package to arrive.
As many of you probably know, each year, Park City Dance does a performance of Nutcracker. We do variations of some of the dances and let the magic come to small children and grown adults on stage. If you want to witness this, free your schedule for December 19. It is located at the Eccles Center and I don't know how to get tickets other than at Park City Dance. Anyway, back to the actual subject. As Nutcracker hasn't occurred yet, I can't say how it went, so I am instead going to talk about auditions.
Okay, so auditions are extremely challenging, just so you know and most likely, you won't get a part, or a callback. I had never gotten either of those until this year. You get one part by default, but you can audition for more parts. I did that every year including this year and guess what? I got a part! Here's how it happened, and here are some tips in the mean time

The old arabian costume (Pictures from Park City Dance)
  • Dress and act as you would for the part. I was auditioning for Arabians and they have a really intense gaze, so to intensify it, I chose a judge to look at every time we were to look at the audience. I also did a thicker eyeliner than I normally do. This was the first year I dressed the part.
  • Practice as much as you can on the sideline, even after your group performed. People might notice this and appreciate the fact that you continue trying to improve, even after you finish. I kind of did this, I marked it, but couldn't do it full out because of all the people there.
  • Be confident. Even if you are the most self conscious little child, you must give off the air of confidence and people will believe you know what you are doing, even if you don't. 
  • Read the requirements like they're your bible. This is extremely important if you want a specific part. 
  • Audition for more than one thing, there are plenty of amazing roles to go around, and you're allowed to audition for as much as you want, and the more you audition for, the more experience you get and the more likely you are to get a role. 
  • Have fun. Trust me, we're all nervous, but it's dance and if you're auditioning, dance should be fun for you, so enjoy the extra time you get dancing. 
  • Lastly, if you don't get a role, don't fret it. Maybe this wasn't your year, or four years in a row, or maybe you just weren't ideal for that role, either by being too tall or too short. No matter what, it's not because you're a bad dancer. 
PS: Congrats to Taylor and Mikelle for elephants! You guys so deserve it and are amazing and beautiful. 
Pictures from Park City Dance
Also to Ali for Mother Buffoon! You are going to be such an amazing mother buffoon!!!

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