Wednesday, November 18, 2015

So Very Petlike

Pets are amazing and everyone should have one at least once in their life. If you don't, I'm sorry.
First of all, I'd like to say that I have three pets that are all slightly crazy,

  • Leah-She's just a sweet dog who's obedient and kind and always wants attention from humans while completely ignoring other dogs for their owners. 
Artsy Photo of Leah (Photo Credits: Me)

  • Timi-Timi is our oldest cat, and though now he's quite nice nicer than before, when he was younger, he was king of the neighbourhood. He always prowled the streets and got into fights with our neighbours' cats over who was the boss of the neighbourhood. In fact my dad loves to tell the story of the time my cat was underneath my mom's car and he went outside to check out the source of mewling and hissing and heard him under the car and tufts of fur were just floating out from underneath. Now that he's older, he is more cuddly and actually lets us touch him approximately once every other Wednesday.
The ferocious Timi (Photo Credits: Cat treats + My camera)

  • Cactus-We got Cactus when we came back from Sweden from the person that had been taking care of Timi while we were away. We took Leah with us, even though her ticket cost more than ours combined. Anyway, the person who had taken care of Timi loved him so much that she got a kitten while we were away. Then she moved somewhere that didn't allow cats, so we got both. Cactus' nickname is shadow because in the first two weeks of getting her, the most any of us saw of her was maybe a tail visible from behind the shredder. She started liking me first and I was the only one who could approach her, then eventually pet her and call her by scratching whatever surface is nearby, followed by a mimicking of petting a cat, then she comes over. Our family believes that she had bad experiences with men because she never seems to trust them much, though she's become much more snuggly and is currently lying on my arms while I try to type this. 
A picture of the Cactus I know (Photo Credits: Me and cat treats)

  • The three of them combined seem to have conspired so that whenever we sit down, they want out, and they can never go out at the same time. At least we're getting exercise. 

Second of all, I'd like to describe why I am a pet and why that probably bothers people. I am not up for adoption, but if you want to adopt a pet, may I recommend this shelter? Also I don't think adopting a human is legal....
I believe I am most like a dog, but not the obedient kind, who always does as told, but the type that just can't be trained. I believe my mother has figured out this long before I have. First of all, I am asked repeatedly to do the same thing, until I finally do it, and in the beginning, I was rewarded, but now, I just have to do it so I've stopped caring so much for doing it.
Second of all, whenever I get a new toy, I play with it for hours and then forget about it. I don't play with toys anymore, because it's not "socially acceptable" and though often I don't care about it, teenage logic have taught me that I have to be exactly like everyone else, but still be completely and utterly different somehow. Now back to the toy thing. I recently got a new item. It was a curling iron. This is not something to be played with and should only be used when needed, but I wanted to use it! So what did I do. Every so often, I'd go downstairs, plug it in, wait for it to heat up while prepping my hair with a heat protectant, brush through it and curl my hair for a minute, then brush through my hair again so it wasn't so noticeable. Hello mother, yes, I do this... Now for those of you blessed with long straight locks, you may be wondering how no one noticed. Well my hair is naturally wavy/curly, depending on how long it has been since it has been straightened or wet. Straightening makes it straight for about 10 minutes before my hair rebelliously starts to become wavy again, then curl up. Wetting my hair makes it curly aflack. (That is a term I use in my head for AF, don't ask, I didn't consciously do it, my mind is strange. ) Anyway... uh bye?