Sunday, January 10, 2016

So Very Flexible (Part 2)

Hello fellow strangers and friends I have pestered to read my blog,
So Nutcracker ended and is officially over and done with, sadly. I realise I probably should have posted about this earlier, but I was in Sweden and my computer was in the United States, therefore, now is the time that I shall speak about the Nutcracker. It was amazing, it was beautiful and I loved every single part of it. Why? Well first of all, I got to perform for small children, and I enjoy small children a lot. There's a reason I'm a babysitter. Second of all, I got to be with people I love, doing things I love.
School Shows

Me and Savannah, picture credits to my mom.
So the first big thing that happened after auditions was school shows. The teachers choose a few groups to go to schools and perform for children and it was great. Though I was often stressed, I got to high five a lot of people and got to know some of the jesters and other young kids. They are so cute and they reminded me of my days, back when I was prancing around in school, thinking what I was doing then was hard.

We went to four different elementary schools, including the one that I went to, so because we had a little extra time, me and my friend went to see if we could find our old teachers and say hi to them and I did, but only to my kindergarten teacher because I couldn't find any of my other teachers. It was exhilarating, sweaty and amazing.

Dress Rehearsal

About two weeks later, we enter the Eccles Center, wearing enough makeup to survive a month. Our hopes are high and our brains awakening, we get dressed and warm up, it was fun because we were with friends. Then, we get dressed and I figure out a friend who can help me change out of Waltz and into Arabians for the finale, with a 1 and 1/2 minute dance in between the two, and we space our dances for so long that everyone managed to get hangry. My favorite quote was one by Taylor.
"Don't talk to me until the food has touched my blood." And then, after taking artsy pictures with Savannah, we come back and do Secret Santa where I got enough food to feed Luxembourg for a day. 

The Two Shows

Finally, after four months of practice, rehearsing, bonding and bickering, we were performing. (For those of you who don't dance, I'm sorry. Basically, the performance is a jittery day of fun and excitement, plus a lot of stress that causes people to snap.) It went by in a wonderful blur of blue, brown and tan, aka the colors of our costumes. Every performance, I learn something about myself. This one was that I am actually pretty good with children and staying calm. 

Over and Done

It's over now and everything has changed since then, even though it's pretty much exactly the same other than the fact that at any point in time, no matter how warm I am, I can do my splits. I also have a deeper appreciation of dance and I know that I won't stop.

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