Welcome to my blog that has partially been written based off of yours. Not word for word or blog post per blog post because that'd be creepy, but you have inspired me quite a bit. Your voice is heard really well in your writing, and you always manage to make me laugh. I love your drawings, not because they're comparable to the Mona Lisa in quality, but because they are uniquely yours (Though I suspect your version of the Mona Lisa would be pretty fabulous). I don't really draw on this blog but that's beside the point, we are both really awkward bloggers that are trying to get people to laugh. (I would add a picture but the copyright monster would fight me and I don't want that)
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Screenshot of your pageloads at the moment in which I am writing this... |
You are a talented and amazing person that blogs well and managed to encourage me to be my true self and introduce me to the world of blogging. Thanks to you, I now spend my free time randomly browsing through the many blogs on the internet making myself laugh, though none of those have made me laugh as often as your blog did. In fact, I distinctly remember reading every single one of your blog posts once I discovered your blog within a week. That took some serious dedication and time out of my hands, but it was totally worth it.
When I was told to write a post about someone that inspired this blog, and someone I would be so proud if they read my blog, and I had no clue who to write about. This was because I write about myself, for my own sake, getting to know myself. Then, I remembered how I first started reading blogs really and I immediately knew who to write about. You are like a cooler, better version of me and are extremely relatable. Thank you for bringing joy into my life for that one week that I actually read your blog and the many times I have revisited it.
Now that you've read some of the most awkward 450ish words I have one more small request to you. Would you mind commenting so that I know you read this blog because that would encourage me so much and it would let me know that you read it and just would generally be an amazing experience.
Alicia Whitty
PS: You're a pretty witty person ahaha get it?
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