Friday, May 13, 2016

So Very Finished

Hello fellow strangers and people I have pestered to read my blog,

Here we are, the final bow, the closing scene, the final chapter, the last 100 feet, the final stretch. This is the end of the school year as well as the end of this blog, which to those rare visitors that do not know me, is a school assignment. I didn't really consider it to be a school assignment since it was so fun, and previous 9th graders had raved about how wonderful it is. I have to agree, but all good things come to an end.

Ali's birthday party (Picture credits to Ali's mom) From left to right, Taylor, Faith, Claire, me, Ali, Holly
I started this blog to appeal to an audience consisting of my friends and trying to make them laugh and tell others about my blog and for me to become popular, but over the course of the year, I have stopped caring how many people view my blog and begun thinking more about my own needs and what I wanted to write about. This is also what happened to me over the course of the year, I stopped caring about what others thought and more about myself. I let myself wander into my own mindlessness and release my inner child. (see above picture)

At the beginning of the year, I wasn't shy, but I didn't openly approach people in order to befriend them, as well as being extremely mopey about my academy placement, but got over that and took it as a learning opportunity to be a better dancer, plus got some of the most amazing friends I have ever met, including Bella, Maddie, Carlee, Lena, Maria, Allison, and more. I grew close to them and I believe I grew as a person. I consider myself to be a pretty selfless person, but that wasn't always the case. I was pretty selfless last year but never though about others and was too busy trying to share my part of a story to really listen to others. Now I think I do this pretty well though I'm not perfect.

Plus, I got moved up in dance and will now be with my old dance group in Senior and Intermediate C, plus some freaking amazing new people that I danced ballet with. I am so excited to be with my 'family' again, but it has been nice finding new friends. If I have learned one thing from taking an hour every 10ish days to really think about myself by blogging, it has been that the only thing holding me back from greatness is myself, and I don't care how cheesy it is, I know that I can do it, and help the people that are in the place I was last year with either being held in place or moved back. I hope that they realize how wonderful the entire experience will end up being.

Lots of love, I'll see you when I see you next,

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